I actually had fun doing this and one game, in particular, saw me take the role of the dude who went out and foraged for fruits and plants. You can actually play a role in this game and be part of a community. One thing that is rather clever about Unturned is the different ways that it lets you play. Building a place to stay is a lot of fun and it can be as basic or as grand as your imagination (and survival skills) desire.

This could be going to get some meat, finding a new weapon, helping a friend or just trying to find shelter when I have been caught out in a storm while hunting.

I always felt that I had to be on my way to do something. One of the things that I felt the game did very well was never giving me a moment to breathe. You will need shelter due to the harsh weather and there are of course many things that want you dead. You need to go and hunt so that you have food to eat, not just that, but you can use stuff that you hunt for crafting too. There is so much to do in Unturned that you will never find your self with a minute to rest. This of course means, working with others, doing jobs, making a home and taking down bad guys and zombies that want you and those you like dead! Sure, the concept is not anything that is 100 percent new, but it is a very addictive experience. Act alone or fight with friends, do your best not to fall into the clutches of dangerous monsters and survive.You see as well as surviving, you need to have an actual life. Fight off attacks and make your own forays in search of food, weapons and those who are also ready to fight the monsters. Zombies must not get inside, otherwise you will lose the only safe place for yourself. You have to take care of the safety of your home, strengthening the walls with any available items.

Satisfy the needs of your hero in time, otherwise he will be completely exhausted and defenseless. Your character is not immortal, he needs food, water and rest, which is reflected in the indicators of health and fatigue. Go to explore the surrounding locations in search of interesting artifacts that can be used as weapons. They will strive to destroy your hero by any means, in the created conditions you have no choice but to take up arms and oppose the monsters. Unturned is an action-adventure survival action game in which you will find yourself in an open world full of all sorts of creepy monsters.